Sunday, August 23, 2009

Your Mother Was Right!

"Get a good night's sleep!"
"Go outside and play."
"Pay attention!"

These orders have come from many a parent's lips. It turns out they were right, though they might not have known why. Getting a good night's sleep, getting plenty of exercise, and paying attention are three ways to improve your brain power!

John Medina, a developmental molecular biologist, studies the brain as it relates to cognitive abilities and is the author of Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School.

Dr. Medina has learned that many office and school environments are designed in direct opposition to how brains best function and learn. Cubicalization hinders creativity and productivity. Sitting in rows in desks dulls the senses.

To see all 12 principles and learn more about how our brains work, see the Brain Rules website. His book expands on the concepts introduced on his website.

How can you change your habits or environment to increase your brain power?

"Get a good night's sleep!"
"Go outside and play."
"Pay attention!"
--And thank your mother!

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